Snuffy wins at Trinity Firefighting contest
Picture of Snuffy the Shamfire Slayer and its builder with first place trophy. Snuffy carried a flag for the Robotics Society of Southern California. Click to enlarge.
Pardon the red light, but the gym is lit by sodium vapor lights and there is a LOT of red (to my camera anyway).
The Trinity Firefighting contest is an international competition simulating the concept of a firefighting robot which can find and extinguish a fire in your home. In this case, a candle in a model house. For full details of the Trinity contest, click here.
Snuffy was in the middle of an unusually long streak of working properly and managed to get a good score on all three trials. 1st trial: 1.5, 2nd: 1.0, 3rd: 1.23 for a winning score of 2.01 . Click here for official results
Alex Brown and John Edwards with their robots, Snuffy and Grizbot. We are both members of RSSC. John's robot came in 12th out of 54 entered in Senior Division.
Presentation ceremony
Click here for a movie of Snuffy's fastest run. .avi format. Will play on Windows Media Player. Warning 7 Mb file.
Lots of details on Snuffy's construction can be found here.